3D Printing

Some of my work in 3D printing, including parts I designed, simple engineering projects, and work I performed on my printer.

Meet the printer: Kevin

There’s a funny story about how Kevin got its name- one time I was creating a 3d printing section for my online portfolio and when I decided to give my printer a name, Kevin was the first name that popped into my head.

Model: Ender 3 v2 Neo

Major Mods: Dual z-axis

Minor Mods: Capricorn Bowden tubing, printed filament guide

Ease of Use: Sometimes

Reliability: lol

MTTF (Mean Time Between Failure*): 5 print hours or 3 weeks sitting powered off the whole time

My Achieved Print Quality with it so Far: PLA 7/10; PETG 9/10; TPU 3/10

* despite not being real engineers, industrial engineers to keep up a pretext of superiority by using fancy and unnecessary acronyms, like “mean time between failure” instead of “how often it breaks”

“The beauty of buying an ender 3 as your first 3d printer is that by the time you’ve gotten the d*** thing to print something, you’ve fixed, replaced, or upgraded every single part on it and so when you’re ready to buy a 3d printer that’s useful, you can save money by building your own printer- which you have the skills for since you’ve basically built your ender 3 from scratch three times already.”

- A Wise but Bitter Man (me)