Cane Clip for a Walker

Timeframe: July 2024

Scope: Personal Interest

Problem: To create a clip for a walker which can hold a cane.

People with mobility issues have a few common aids to help them get around; one is a cane, another is a walker. In fact, so many people use both at different times that walkers often come with clips that can hold a cane, so that the user can easily carry a cane around on their walker and detach and use it when it’s time to ditch the walker for a while. These clips can cost as much as $30 for replacements when they break.

Alternatively if you have a 3d printer (or a grandchild with a 3d printer— me!) you can create a replacement for under $1.

The set that I designed. The background part holds the cane, the foreground part is what the cane rests on. These two parts could go for $10-20 each, while printing them cost me $1.50 for both.

(right) The clip and holder in use.


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